Gala Games Reveals Fully Licensed Battlestar Galactica Web3 MMO

Gala Games have announced the launch of Battlestar Galactica Web3, a fully licensed blockchain-powered massively multiplayer online game that is set in the universe devised by writers and creators of Battlestar Galactica. The first phase will go live on September 12th with three playable factions: humans, Cylons, and Dracs.

The “Gala Games Reveals Fully Licensed Battlestar Galactica Web3 MMO” is an article about the release of a new game by the developer. The game, called “battlestar galactica 2”, will be available on PC and mobile platforms.

Gala Games, a renowned blockchain game company, has promised a new release codenamed ‘Project Saturn’ in recent weeks. This huge effort, it turns out, is really a Battlestar Galactica-themed Web3 4x MMO.

The game will take place 40 years after the first Cylon conflict, like in the 2004 remake of the famous program. As a result, players will be dispersed around the galaxy, where they will have to participate in a fierce strategic fight to regain the 12 colonies.

Gala Games will work on the game alongside IP holder Universal and fellow Web3 experts Revolving Games to create a huge empire-building grand-strategy experience based on the famous science-fiction television series. It will provide an immersive atmosphere in which fans can experience the thrills of the concert, all thanks to Web3’s cutting-edge technology and non-fungible tokens.

Gala is excited to announce a Battlestar Galactica Web3 gaming cooperation with Universal Games and Digital Platforms!

Last week, “Project Saturn” passed by node vote, and there will be more shortly!

June 6, 2022 — Gala Games (@GoGalaGames)

So far, two NFTs in the form of Battlestar Galactica chests have surfaced on the market. There are 1,000 ‘Conquest Chests’ available, each holding an epic level Jupiter class Battlestar, and 390 ‘Colonial Chests’ grant the epic rank of ‘Colonial Representative,’ which unlocks further in-game benefits. Additionally, these goods have a small possibility of harboring legendary items.

So, fire up the Viper and go annihilate those pesky Cylons!

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  • battlestar galactica games
  • battlestar galactica game online

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